Transform Your Dog's Anticipation into Politeness with the Energy Reset Technique

A Guide to Polite and Excited Dog Behavior


In our daily routines with our dogs, it’s common for them to get a bit too eager when they sense something exciting about to happen—like a walk or playtime. Today, let’s discuss a simple technique called the “energy reset” to ensure your dog’s enthusiasm remains polite and controlled.

The Trigger Effect:

Dogs often have triggers that signal upcoming fun activities. Whether it’s grabbing the leash, putting on your shoes, or reaching for the treat pouch, your pup can go from relaxed to super excited in seconds. This eagerness can sometimes translate into demanding behavior, like pulling on the leash or incessant barking.

The Pitfall of Giving In:

While it might be tempting to hurry and satisfy your dog’s anticipation by rushing through the routine, it’s crucial to resist the urge. Giving in too quickly can reinforce pushy behavior, making it a recurring issue. Instead, consider the “energy reset” to help your dog develop a more polite and controlled demeanor.

Implementing the Energy Reset:

When your dog shows signs of overexcitement, take a moment for the energy reset. Encourage them to exhibit a bit of self-control before proceeding with the activity. For example, if your dog pulls ahead, wait until they are walking calmly before allowing them to indulge in the anticipated fun.

Benefits of the Energy Reset:

By incorporating the energy reset, you’re fostering a more balanced relationship. Your dog learns to consider your side of the equation, making walks and playtime enjoyable for both of you. Avoiding immediate gratification may seem challenging initially, but the long-term benefits far outweigh the momentary inconvenience.


Mastering the energy reset is about finding the right balance between your dog’s excitement and polite behavior. By teaching your dog to exhibit self-control, you’re not only enhancing your shared experiences but also building a stronger and more harmonious bond. So, if your dog starts running around excitedly, think of it as a way to reset their energy for a more fun time together.

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