Basic Dog Training With A Slip Lead: A Step-By-Step Guide


If you’re a dog owner looking for a simple and effective way to train your dog, the slip lead might be just what you need. In this blog post, we’ll break down the basics of using a slip lead, as demonstrated by the experts at Train Walk Poop. Follow along as they guide you through the steps, making dog training easy for everyone.

Understanding the Slip Lead:

The slip lead is a versatile tool with a movable ring that adjusts to create pressure. It also features a clip for securing the ring in place. The key is finding the right position behind your dog’s ears for optimal control. The goal is to strike a balance – not too tight to restrict, yet not too loose to lose control.

Putting on the Slip Lead:

Place the slip lead right behind your dog’s ears, ensuring it sits on the back of the head. The leash should be positioned to create a gentle sensation of pressure and release. This sweet spot maintains control without compromising your dog’s comfort.

Training Techniques:

The slip lead is a powerful tool for teaching your dog commands. Using gentle pressure, encourage your dog to adopt a submissive state or a sit-like position. Release the pressure as soon as your dog complies, reinforcing positive behavior.

Reward-Based Training:

Integrate treats into your training routine to reward good behavior. Use small pieces of kibble and your voice to get your dog’s attention. Mark moments of eye contact and hand out treats, ensuring your dog takes them gently. Be patient, especially if your pup is excited – wait for a calm, non-sharky mouth before rewarding.


Leash Control and Figure Eight:

Explore the slip lead’s features, including the ability to transition into a figure-eight shape. This allows for better control without choking your dog. Practice applying pressure and release while maintaining a comfortable fit around your dog’s neck.

Advanced Training:

Progress to more advanced commands like backing away. Mark and correct your dog if they break the command, reinforcing your expectations. For added convenience, learn how to transition the slip lead into a regular position and give your dog a muzzle massage as a reward.


With the right techniques and a reliable slip lead, training your dog can be an enjoyable experience for both of you. Take it step by step, stay patient, and celebrate the small victories along the way. Soon enough, you’ll have a well-behaved and happy companion by your side.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How tight should the slip lead be?
    • Find a balance – snug enough for control, yet loose for comfort behind the ears.
  2. Can I use treats for all commands?
    • Yes, treats reinforce positive behavior, but vary rewards based on training goals.
  3. What if my dog is too excited during training?
    • Wait for a calm moment before rewarding to discourage overly eager behavior.
  4. How do I transition to advanced commands?
    • Gradually introduce backing away, marking and correcting as needed for success.
  5. Is the slip lead suitable for all dogs?
    • Yes, it’s versatile. Adjust for different sizes and transition into a figure-eight for added control.
  6. How often should I practice training?
    • Consistency is key. Regular short sessions are more effective than sporadic long ones.
  7. Can I use the slip lead for leash training?
    • Absolutely, the slip lead is a versatile tool for teaching leash manners and commands.