This program is for new puppy owners who want help for the life of their puppy. The needs of your puppy change a lot, especially during the first year of life, and you will have customized help at each stage. Every puppy is unique and the challenges they throw at you at each stage of development will be unique; that’s why we created this program.
Here’s what you’ll get:
Potty, Sleep, & Basic Obedience Boarding School – 2 Weeks
Day Training Program – 4 Weeks
In Home Training Sessions – 5 Personalized Sessions
On & Off Leash Obedience Boarding School – 3 Weeks
Video Training Sessions For Life
How will I know you’re the right trainer for me and my puppy?
We want you to be 100% confident this is the perfect fit for you, so we’ve created:
A Risk Free Trial Week of training. Week 1 of your dog’s training, we’re all on trial. We’re confident you’ll love working with us, and we know we’ll win over the heart of your dog with our playful training style. All you do is pay your $500 deposit and we’re willing to refund it at the end of week one if you’re not convinced we’re a perfect match.
(Value $1,250) Please consider the cost of paying the wrong trainer full price + the loss of your time + potential issues arising from poor training you won’t follow through with anyway + paying a 2nd trainer who you really connect with and gets the results you expect.
How do I make the training stick? And how do I handle my dog in different places/situations like the park, a bbq, off leash hiking, etc?
You need a mentor over the long term. Your goals are higher than our average customer’s and you’ll need our guidance long after the boarding school program is finished.
That’s why we include 5 in home/field trip sessions! We’re going to teach you how to confidently navigate each setting your dog needs to master to become the perfect dog for you.
So when you’re ready to master the neighborhood walk we’ll be there! To help you navigate the awkward interactions with your most difficult neighbor and the scariest dog on your street. We have seen it all and we know the right things to say and do to keep you and your dog safe all while maintaining good relations with your neighbors.
When your dog is ready to come off leash, we’ll be there! At the park, or the golf course, or the hiking trail to walk you through what will work best with your dog.
When you’re ready to take your dog shopping at Home Depot or to the farmers market, we’ll be there! To walk you through the do’s and don’ts of each environment.
When you want to host a bbq or party at your home, we’ll be there! We’ll help you create a routine that will work to maximize the fun, safety and long term results you want with your dog. So they can become the dog that is welcome everywhere. A dog that knows how to behave without you having to babysit him the entire night or worry he’ll misbehave.
(Value $1,250) For 5 in home/field trips with your trainer to travel to you or the location + save you hours of trial and error as each location has tricks and tactics that we’ve learned over years of experimenting and practicing + we’ll help you avoid the pitfalls that can set your training back weeks.
How do you ensure lasting results and prevent my dog from falling into old habits?
Our next level support system makes our training stick. We’ll walk you through each stage of your dog’s development and take the guesswork out of dog training with our video training sessions.
Send us a video of the issue and your trainer will make a response video for you with a specific exercise or tactic that will move you in the right direction.
You need a dog obsessed friend (aka everyone who works at Train Walk Poop) who can point you in the right direction when issues pop up. We are that friend!
You can turn to us for all things dog! Any day of the year for the rest of your dog’s life we’ll be ecstatic to get a dog question via text, email or phone call.
This is included for the life of your dog. (Value $900) in the first year alone. Consider the drive time + gas and frustration saved by scheduling to come in for a quick tip. Most customers only need 10-15 mins to get the help they need after the initial program. Instead of buying a 2nd training program you can send in a video!
What if someone in my life undoes all my training? I am worried someone in my family or friend group will undo all my hard work.
This is where our Naughty Human Insurance Plan comes in. We’ll send you home with 3 free charts for the home on how to handle the most hotly debated dog rules between spouses, roommates and kids/parents. These posters will keep everyone on the same page and explain the why, the how, and the what NOT to do for the un-trainer in your home.
You’ll also get my training guide, How to Train Your Family. It has my best tips for teaching the humans in your life.
Full disclosure, my wife and kids love to untrain my dogs. They sometimes encourage begging, hyperactivity around guests, walking poorly on the leash, among other things. I’ll show you how I turned these frustrating situations into games my wife and kids love to play that actually improved my dog’s behavior!
The troublemaker in your home also gets unlimited 1 on 1 sessions for 6 months. This removes all excuses for them to drag their feet or ignore your pleas for help.
(Value $800) There is no price tag for eliminating the frustration of fighting with your loved ones about the dog.
What if I don’t follow through?
If we can teach your dog to love learning new tricks, we can teach you as well. You might be tempted to drop the ball too soon but we won’t let you.
This is where my favorite book about habit change comes in! I am going to buy you a copy of the book, “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, just tell me if you prefer paperback or audio book.
You’ll get my Habits That Stick guide which includes a habit tracker that I use daily to improve my personal and professional habits.
We’ll also talk about how to make small tweaks to your daily routine that will make it nearly impossible to not follow through with your dog’s training. (Value $45)
Also, you’ll receive a copy of my favorite book on dog training, “Let Dogs Be Dogs” by Marc Goldberg and the Monks of New Skete. It taught me how to have a better relationship with my dog and completely changed how I think about my daily interactions with my dog. (Value $30)
Another bonus that will help you stay the course, believe it or not, is the leather bound scrapbook we’ll give you upon graduation. We’ll help you fill the empty pages with pictures of your dog’s training journey so you can remember the before and after. (Value $95)
What guarantee do I have from you?
If you’re the type of customer who needs a guarantee before taking a jump, then you are not the type of person we want to work with. We want motivated self-starters who can follow instructions and are not looking for a way out before they even begin. If you are not serious, don’t buy from us. But if you are, boy are you going to experience a different dog.
That being said, I do have a guarantee for you.
Now I’m not guaranteeing you’re going to have a perfect dog in a few weeks, after all, because I can’t do your homework for you and your puppy’s needs will change as they develop.
But I am guaranteeing that you will get $7,000 worth of value and service from us to support you. If you don’t feel like we gave you that level of service, I’ll write you a check the day you tell me we suck.
Best case, you get a well behaved dog and we put all your money towards continued 1 on 1 training sessions until you hit your long-term goal. Worst case, you tell me I suck, I write you a check, and you get 4 weeks of free training.
Both options are risk free. But, the only thing guaranteed not to help you is to keep doing what you’re doing.
I need help now. What if I can’t get my dog in for a few weeks or longer?
If your start date is more than a week out, we don’t want you to wait either. We will get you scheduled next week for your first in person session at no extra cost. We’ll go over a simple exercise that will only take 5 minutes a day and will help you start building good habits and positive momentum to get you results now.
We’ll schedule regular visits with your trainer every 1-3 weeks (at no extra cost) depending on your needs and schedule so you start seeing results now!
We can do in person sessions or video sessions (in case drive time or scheduling is an issue for you), however we recommend the first one be in person.
Total Price Vs Value
The combined value of the bonuses = $4,047. That’s before adding the training programs and sessions that come included.
The training services value of $7,235 + bonuses of $4,047 = $11,282. Your total cost is only $7,000.