dog lying on grass

The Canine Bill Of Rights

 “The Bill of Rights rewritten how I think your dog would write it”

Today I’d like to have a little fun…
I firmly believe dog training should be fun! Your dog should have fun learning, and you should have fun teaching your dog.
So in the spirit of fun; here’s a goofy thing I’ve been working on. The Bill of Rights rewritten how I think your dog would write it:
The Canine Bill of Rights
Amendment 1: In order to form a more perfect union no treats shall be restricted! Lid free treat jars shall be the law of the land.
Amendment 2:  The right to bear squeaky toys shall not be infringed. Restricting the number of squeaks a dog may make by hiding said squeaky toy is hereby forbidden.
Amendment 3: No dog shall, in times of peace or war, be required to share his dog bed with any soldier or other dog without their express written consent.
Amendment 4: The right of the canines to be secure in their toys, bones, and squeakers, shall not be violated by unwarranted sniffs or forceable sharing.
Amendment 5: No dog shall be subjected to nail trims (or baths). Nor shall be compelled to incriminate themselves with a guilty look.
Amendment 6: In all criminal trials, the accused shall enjoy the right to a jury of their barking peers, and to sniff out the witnesses against them.
Amendment 7 (my personal favorite): In cases of toy disputes and territory marking violations, where the value of said claims exceeds the value of a bag of treats, the right of trial by bark shall be preserved.
Amendment 8: Excessive fines for digging holes and cruel or unusual punishments (like withholding pets or treats) shall not be inflicted.
Amendment 9: The rights in this document shall not be used to restrict the freedom of any dog to pee anywhere they choose as long as they are outdoors. The right to tail wagging shall not be restricted, even when knocking things off the table with said tail.
Amendment 10: The powers not delegated by the federal government, are hereby given to dogkind from here until… look squirrel!
The End
That was fun to write! I hope it gave you a chuckle or two.
Ok, now let’s get serious about reaching your training goals! It’s time to book your dog’s free transformation session!

"Free Dog Training Tips & Tricks Each Week"

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