I’m a weird guy. Here are a few fun facts about me:
* I have been a drummer in a couple of rock bands.
* My favorite kinds of people are toddlers; they remind me to live in the moment and enjoy the simple things in life.
* I love spicy food and make my own salsa to put on everything.
In 2007, my roommate said he was going to get a puppy and asked if I wanted to go. I had nothing better to do that day so I went with him. Somehow we both came home with a puppy. It was an impulse buy that turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life.
He was so damn cute I could barely contain my joy, and then……
…he peed and pooped on the floor of the condo I was living in and I quickly realized I was in way over my head. This was going to be a lot of work! The hardest part about it was I didn’t know what to work on!
My roommate had lots of dog training advice to give me which I was grateful for at the time, but it turned out to mostly be bad advice.
Now I’m really glad I had that experience because I was forced to find the best sources of information on raising and training puppies. That journey has allowed me to help thousands of dog owners.
I’m doing this because I love helping people enjoy life with their dog. Taking a dog for a walk or a hike is one of life’s greatest joys. I want every dog owner to experience the perfect walk with their dog everyday!
This is super important to me because getting a dog changed my life. When I was younger, I was not a very thoughtful person. I was very egotistical and self-centered, but when I started working with dogs that all had to change fast!
I suddenly had to find a way to get a dog to truly believe that my way was the right way. And that is no easy task. I was forced to exercise my empathy muscle every day.
It’s made me a better human, dog owner, father, husband, and friend. This is precisely why I work to change other people’s lives and dog’s lives through my work.
Pretty cool, right? 🙂
I’m curious… have you had a similar experience since owning a dog? Has your dog forced you out of your comfort zone in any way? I’d love to hear from you. Send me an email directly with your experience: info@trainwalkpoop.com