running dog

This Tip Is A Game Changer For All Of Our Clients

I hereby relieve you of the responsibility you feel to train your dog for more than 10 minutes at a time. No more long, frustrating training sessions! 

Why? Because it’s the short sessions that make all the difference.

How short? I am talking 2-5 minutes is all you need.


We’ve all been there: your dog does that one thing (or maybe several things) that drives you up the wall. Maybe it’s the endless barking at every single leaf falling outside, or perhaps it’s the Herculean effort required to walk them without being pulled down the street. 

You think you need to find an hour or two to really focus on this problem, but you don’t! In fact, spending 60 minutes teaching your dog to heel will likely make it worse. Weird right?

But here’s the good news: you can start turning those habits around today with small changes.


Why Small Changes?

  • Short sessions actually work better than long ones = MIND BLOWN. Your dog has the attention span of a gnat. Try 2-5 minute sessions that are mentally challenging and fun.

  • Big changes will stress out both you and your dog. Small steps help everything flow.


Here’s How to Start:

  • Book your dog’s free transformation session, and we’ll help you understand what your dog needs to become a dream dog.

  • It might be easier to get there than you think!


Our method makes training fun for your dog. They love it! And you will love how easy it is to maintain the great results!

Let’s take that first small step together. Book your free transformation session with us. 


We can’t wait to show you how small changes can lead to big results.!

"Free Dog Training Tips & Tricks Each Week"

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