golden retriever dog 2

We Don’t Just Train Your Dog: We Are Their "Emotional Support Human"

Their natural purpose is to help you, not bark and pull on leash


Dogs come to us with all sorts of behavioral issues:

  • Barking

  • Pulling on the leash

  • Always on high alert

  • Puppy “ADHD”

  • Rowdy little bundles of energy


Here’s something we joke about as a team:

We work with them, pour our hearts into training, and right as they’re getting everything down…

Just as they’re finally a joy to be around…

Their owners take them home to enjoy all the benefits!

We joke about it, but in reality?
We love it! It’s a labor of love. 

We see it as our calling.

That’s why we’ve affectionately started calling ourselves “Emotional Support Humans.” Because honestly, we’re here to serve your dog’s emotional needs.

Every little win your dog experiences with us is what keeps us going. Whether it’s your dog:

  • Making a new friend in social class

  • Going on their first leash walk without pulling

  • Not reacting to the dog across the street for the first time

  • And their first time off leash!

We celebrate these wins
as a team, and it’s truly a blessing to be able to do this work every day. Some people might think, “You just helped a dog, no big deal.” But to us, it’s so much more than that.

We don’t just help dogs for a moment; we’re improving their lives (and their families’ lives)

How cool is it we get to teach dogs life lessons they carry with them for years to come?

To us, there is nothing cooler. It’s what we live for!

Your dog’s success is our success. And we wouldn’t want it any other way. If you’re ready to celebrate your dog’s wins with us, we’re just a click away.

Your team of Emotional Support Humans, Ryan Gwilliam & the Train Walk Poop Team


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